Elements of a well-designed and functional kitchen


The kitchen is the most multi-functional room in the house. Of course, if you cook and eat well are likely; grocery store, bakery and instruments; This is probably where you spend the most time with your family – your family schedule is in the fridge; and when people come over, no matter how much you want them to new entertainment center, you end up in the kitchen. Despite the fact that this is such a popular place, sometimes you just need to pass quickly because you’re late.

This is a big responsibility to handle a room. A good kitchen design must take into account that everything goes on there must be functionally efficient, comfortable and very good looking too.

conspire There are many elements to a well-designed, functional kitchen

Layout – The layout of the map on the kitchen design, and as a road map that you have to show where everything is and how to get there. To begin with, you need to know how much space you have, not all of the designs are suitable for all spaces. It also helps to consider the family’s activities – not all have to get through a large sports bag? After you answer such questions, four basic designs from which to start

L-shaped – This arrangement works for small or large spaces and can be an island add extra counter space.

U-shaped – is better for larger spaces, this layout is easily accessible from a number of counter space.

A Wall – all in a row; this structure smaller spaces or open concept kitchen with an island.

or double-walled corridor – also in small spaces with the ability to pass easily.

Lighting – nothing else can change the mood and features a kitchen as quickly as lighting. Wrong place and easy tasks difficult; or balanced, dull room will be a nice place. There are three basic types of kitchen lighting:

Ambient Lighting – This is the total light in the room. The kitchen should be well lit and solid ambient lighting ensures this is the case at any time of day or night

Task lighting – It’s a good ambient light, sometimes you need more light to some places to help you see better preparation food, etc ..

accent lighting – accent lighting to highlight certain areas in the kitchen, objects, tables, etc ..

cabinetry – just where you keep things, but this is the main feature of the kitchen and – for example, in the kitchen – the cabinets must be practical and good looking too. Cabinets a new look does not have to be expensive; they can be re-faced at a fraction of the cost of replacement. The basic decisions you need to make you re-facing or replacing the cabinet in the style you want. Ample possibilities of different wood surfaces, glass doors, flat or elevated, polyester or plastic laminates and even stainless steel.

Counter-tops – Like cabinets, it is primarily a matter of personal preference, but there are several practical considerations. For example, granite is very popular and look good, but can absorb stains, and you need to keep it closed – and it’s a little more expensive. Ceramic tiles do not require sealing, but the surface is uneven. The concrete on a flat surface, but it may crack. So you have to find what your choices, the pros and cons of each, and the top panel which will work best for you.

floor – is under our feet, but we have to go in front of him. Floor area of ​​kitchen design, which often do not get enough attention. Before choosing a kitchen floor, how you use your kitchen. Those who enjoy the long cooking sessions can be found ceramic uncomfortable, hard and unforgiving as the feet and legs. If the kitchen is a lot of traffic and a lot of spills, vinyl tiles might not be the best choice because the boards can lift and dirt can collect between them. Try not to be seduced by looks, but think about the lifestyle of the two options and which one fits best.

Take the time to carefully consider all the options and it will pay a greater value and enjoyment you get out of the new kitchen!


Source by Mike Digirolamo

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